股票交易功能 隆重推出

股票交易功能 隆重推出

由 AQUMON Team 撰写于 2021-06-30





同时,作为产品发布最快的金融科技公司之一,弘量智投仅在2021年第一季度就推出了3个全新的投资解决方案,包括自动化股票精选 "智能主题股票组合",更加低成本及自动化的"碎股交易方案",及创新B2B解决方案"Robo-advisor-as-a-Service (RaaS)"。


股票交易与财富管理 鱼和熊掌兼得






  • 智能股票推荐,自动推荐相近优质股票


  • 7x24即时换汇,支援不同货币


  • 涵盖主要投资市场


界面简单 轻松落单




AQUMON弘量智投 CEO兼联合创始人雷春然先生(Kelvin Lei) 表示:“虽然我们仍然以长期分散的投资策略为核心,但股票交易功能的认知门槛更低,能扩大我们与投资者的接触和互动机会,最终目的都是希望能帮助投资者用简单科学地方式积累财富,达到长期投资目标。”


全方位数字财富管理平台 伴随客户的整个投资旅程






更新AQUMON应用程式,即可体验全新推出的股票交易服务 (Beta版本)。







About us

AQUMON is a Hong Kong based award-winning financial technology company. Our mission is to leverage smart technology to make next-generation investment services affordable, transparent and accessible to both institutional clients and the general public. Through its proprietary algorithms and scalable, technical infrastructure, AQUMON’s automated platform empowers anyone to invest and maximise their returns. AQUMON has partnered with more than 100 financial institutions in Hong Kong and beyond, including AIA, CMB Wing Lung Bank, ChinaAMC, and Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund, affiliate of BOC International Holdings Limited, Zheng He Capital Management and Cyberport are among AQUMON's investors. 


The brand is held under Magnum Research Limited and is licensed with Type 1, 4 and 9 under the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) of Hong Kong. AQUMON is also licensed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Asset Management Association of China (AMAC).



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