AQUMON’s Secret to Success and Teamwork: Invest My Way Challenge

AQUMON’s Secret to Success and Teamwork: Invest My Way Challenge

Written by AQUMON Team on 2021-03-24

AQUMON began as a seedling dream by Co-founders Kelvin Lei and Dr. Don Huang in a library at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.  The vision has stayed constant throughout the years - to make investment simpler and accessible so that more people can be empowered with wealth creation tools to change their lives.


Presently, AQUMON has grown from our humble 6 person office to a 130+ community of talented individuals.  We’ve been very fortunate to be able to share in our vision with our passionate, supportive and hardworking teams and we hope to shed some light on our company culture today.


To highlight AQUMON’s recent brand campaign, we called upon our entire team to create their own innovative twist on our campaign “The Power of Investment in People’s Hands”.  The campaign explains that optimised wealth management can be as simple as eating out, taking a minibus after work, or picking up snacks from a convenience store, with the added message that anyone can invest and maximise their return.  We challenged our talents to come up with their own slogans to showcase the ease of investing with AQUMON’s robo-advisory app - “Invest My Way” and to vote for their favourite amongst our Top 10 entries. The prize of $1000 goes to the top 3 photos from the first round selection.  Each comment is worth 1 point and each follow of the AQUMON’s LinkedIn Account is worth 5 points. Come join in the fun!



*AQUMON's recent brand campaign - The Power of Investing in People's Hands



^Top 10 entries of Invest My Way Competition


Company culture is the root of a corporate entity. It is an organic process shaped by all the different traits of the people who make up the company. All information is filtered and absorbed through an implied, collective understanding to inform subsequent actions and behaviours of each member within the organization.


At AQUMON our unique success comes from these core values:


1. Always Try 


For progress to happen, one must take action. Nothing ever happens without taking the first step. A lot of the time, especially in a startup, things may not go according to plan. But that’s alright, it’s all part of the process of learning. Just like in life, we learn to walk by getting up one day, after trying and failing many times. We become better informed through facing such challenges, encountering different experiences in order to learn through our failures. Rather than stay static with indecision, we learn to let go of the doubts and just try.


2. Get Better


At AQUMON we continuously innovate. R&D is a core part of our DNA alongside the unique edge we have over our competitors. In order to stay sharp, we encourage our talents to re-innovate their thought processes everytime we face a challenge. Not only must we let go of fear and try, but through the process we should continuously evaluate on how to improve. That’s why we view upgrading ourselves like how we upgrade our apps - we are receptive to constructive comments, we adjust our bearings, we work more effectively, we grow and get better.


3. Be Accountable


We have a strong work ethic at AQUMON, which is how we earn trust and credibility from our partners, fellow team members and customers. 24/7 our clients and customers entrust us with their financial wellbeing, our partners and colleagues rely on us to deliver projects on time and with best efforts. We are custodians of their trust and our company’s reputation, therefore we must hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards. Not only does this integrity permeate through our work, but also our attitude and approach in all that we do.


4. Be of Service


Being of service is core to our success. We are of service to our customers in enabling their dreams of financial freedom and wealth creation.  Our attitude goes even further by being of service to one another: to be helpful, useful, and considerate in our communication and interactions. We acknowledge that teamwork and mutual understanding is the engine that moves us towards our goals, hence we cultivate the mindset of working together and offer our service to everyone.







About us

AQUMON is a Hong Kong based award-winning financial technology company. Our mission is to leverage smart technology to make next-generation investment services affordable, transparent and accessible to both institutional clients and the general public. Through its proprietary algorithms and scalable, technical infrastructure, AQUMON’s automated platform empowers anyone to invest and maximise their returns. AQUMON has partnered with more than 100 financial institutions in Hong Kong and beyond, including AIA, CMB Wing Lung Bank, ChinaAMC, and Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund, affiliate of BOC International Holdings Limited, Zheng He Capital Management and Cyberport are among AQUMON's investors. 


The brand is held under Magnum Research Limited and is licensed with Type 1, 4 and 9 under the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) of Hong Kong. AQUMON is also licensed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Asset Management Association of China (AMAC).



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