Invest Smarter with AQUMONDiverse investment portfolios for everyone, grow your money and capture global growth.
Flagship SmartGlobal® Series

Based of AQUMON's flagship SmartGlobal investment algorithm, SmartGlobal Ultimax maximises investment returns by diversifying and hedging your investments against risk across different market environments.

Our flagship portfolio for investors of any experience level. Grow your money with customisable, risk-adjusted investment portfolios made from H.K. and U.S. listed ETFs.
Strategic/ Thematic Portfolios
US ETF Portfolios
HK ETF Portfolios
China A-Share ETF Portfolios
Quality Blue Chips
Own the top 1% of Chinese companies
Hidden Gems
Buy valuable companies at a discount
Explore Our Custom-tailored advisory solution
AQUMON Bespoke can help you manage risks and take advantage of opportunities.
Dedicated Investment Advisor
Your advisor is available to answer your investment questions, curate your financial needs, and analyse your investment objective to reach your goals.
Hyper-Personalised Investments
Benefit from our bespoke Core-Satellite investment framework. Our SmartAdvice tool diagnoses your investment needs and generates a bespoke report in just 3 days.
Exclusive Investment Portfolios
Access top-performing private equity products to capture market dividends and excess returns. Diversify risk with our multi-strategies.